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Legal notices

Last update : 16/08/2022


Babas factory

Head Office : 9 Rue Gérard de Perfontaine
59300 Valenciennes, France

Individual Contractor with Limited Liability (EIRL)
SIRET Number : 895 175 958 000 19

APE code : 7410Z Specialized design activities
SIREN Number : 895 175 958

City : RCS Valenciennes
RCS Number : 215 906 066

Website Name : Babas Factory
Website Address : www.babasfactory.com



Ulysse Leteneur, Manager.



Mail Address : ulysse.leteneur@gmail.com
Phone Number: 06 66 13 21 77


HOSTING - o2switch

APE Code : 6311Z – Data processing, hosting and related activities
Intracommunity VAT number : FR 35 510 909 807
Head office : 222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.

SIRET number: 510 909 807 00024
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SARL with a capital of 100 000€.

Telecom operator declared by ARCEP
09/2989 – AS50474
o2switch is a company of the Zohey group
SAS with a capital of 8 000 000€.
Registered trademark INPI : 09 3 645 279



Presentation of the Website
The website babasfactory.com is the website of the freelance transport designer Ulysse Leteneur.
It acts as a showcase and has the function of gathering his work and the projects he contributed to.

Obligations of the Internet User
The Internet user agrees to :
● Not to undermine and/or attempt to undermine the proper functioning of the Site, including its content, in any way whatsoever ;
● Not to reproduce, use or represent without the express consent of the Manager, who owns the Site, and part of the content (mostly drawings / photomontages / layouts but not most of the photographs : see part No. 9 ‘PHOTOGRAPHS’) ;
● Not to upload, post or transmit, via the Website, any material :
– of a nature to restrict or interrupt another Internet user’s access to the Site ;
– fraudulent, illegal, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful or invasive of privacy;
– constitutes or encourages conduct that would violate any law
– Violates or infringes upon the rights of any third party ;
– contains a virus or malicious software, allowing in particular to collect or extract data in an automatic way ;
– constituting unsolicited or unauthorized promotional or advertising content such as, but not limited to, spam, chain letters, etc.

The Internet user is not authorized to reproduce, exploit, redistribute or use in any way whatsoever, even partially, elements of the Site.


Applicable law

The site babasfactory.com is subject to French Law.

The Manager reserves the right, without notice and at its sole discretion, to terminate or modify all or part of the Site.
The Manager shall not be liable for the use of the Site by minors under 15 years of age having led in particular to the collection of their personal data.

Intellectual Property:
The entire content of the Site is protected by the applicable legislation, particularly in terms of copyright, design rights, trademark rights, unfair competition and parasitism.
Pursuant to Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any representation or reproduction not expressly authorized, or for a use other than strictly private, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an act of infringement punishable by law.


data management

A cookie is a computer file, stored on the hard disk of the Internet user’s computer and which makes it possible to indicate that he has visited the Website.
The babasfactory.com website uses ‘analytical’ cookies enabling it to identify the Internet user’s behavior on the Website (by analyzing, in particular, the most visited pages of the Website or the bounce rate).
The use of cookies is subject to the Company’s prior consent of the Internet user. The Internet user may refuse the deposit of cookies on his terminal.
In any event, cookies are kept for a maximum of 13 months following the date on which the Internet User consented to the Company depositing cookies on his or her terminal.

Protection of personal data
The Company undertakes to ensure that the Internet User’s personal data is protected.



 The Site is accessible via the Internet. Access to the Site is free. However, the price of the Internet connection is charged to the Internet user. It is the responsibility of the Internet user to ensure that he/she has adequate protection against computer viruses.
The Internet User acknowledges that the Company shall not be liable for any intrusion by third parties into his or her computer system and/or for the interception by third parties of data transmissions made during the Internet User’s use of the Site.

The Company does not guarantee continuous access or access without technical difficulties to the Site and to the content of the information presented on the Site. In particular, access may be interrupted or suspended for the purposes of maintenance, corrective action or difficulties related to telecommunications networks.

The Internet User acknowledges that he/she is not authorized to create and/or maintain a link to the Site without the prior consent of the Company.
The Site may be accessible from other websites, or contain hyperlinks leading to other websites, in particular to social networks, without the Company being held responsible for the content of the latter.



Babas Factory does not hold any right on the majority of the photographs present on the site and does not appropriate the right nor the merit on the illustrated projects; the site has for only and single goal to gather the whole of the works carried out by the Manager and the Preparers/Subcontractors with which it worked/works.
The whole of the projects present on the site are the fruit of a work of team gathering the competences of several people; professionals/preparers/technicians/craftsmen/subcontractors and is in no case the fruit of the only work of Babas Factory.

Links to all the Preparers we have worked with are listed on the ‘About Us’ page in the ‘Babas Worked With’ section.
Links to all the Magazines in which we have had our work published are listed on the ‘About Us’ page in the ‘Babas Was Published In’ section.

According to the legislation (article L.122-2 of the CPI), the mention of the photographer is mandatory for all uses of his photos, including Internet. The fact of giving the rights free of charge does not exempt from the obligation to credit the photos.
This is why all the photos on the site are :
– associated with a link to their original publication OR lead the user to a page where the same photograph is associated with this link.
– credited in the header of the pages that can be consulted from the ‘Projects’ page of the site.

● Photographs of illustration ‘Babas Factory’ distributed on the whole site:
Photographer : Mathéo Aubois – Photographer
Credits Location: Bécane, 3 Av. de la Marque, 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq

● Internship project ‘Indian FTR 1200 S TKM’ made by Tank Machine teams:
Photographer : Clément Molina – Tank Machine

● Project of training course ‘BMW R18’ realized by the teams of Tank Machine :
Photographer : Clément Molina – Tank Machine

● Internship project ‘Indian Scout Bobber Mud & Bitumen’ realized by the teams of Tank Machine :
Photographer : Clément Molina – Tank Machine

● Customer project ‘BMW R Nine T’ realized by Sport Garage teams :
Photographers : Jeremy Tita-Farinella / Arnaud Fournier – Sport Garage

● Customer project ‘Suzuki Lucky Katana’ realized by the teams of Lucky Cat Garage :
Photographer : Yud Pourdieu Le Coz / Sébastien Lorentz – Lucky Cat Garage

● Project of training course ‘Honda CBR 1000RR 20.1’ realized by the teams of Sur Les Chapeaux de Roues :
Photographer : Clément Gerbaud / David Marvier / Manuel Jouan – Sur Les Chapeaux de Roues